Photograph taken by Todd Diemer

The very first Abwid Update

Arkanath Pathak
Abwid Blog


I am excited to write the very first Abwid update !

So what are updates? Since we are building Abwid as a platform which improves over time, we will frequently post on this blog whenever the improvements reach a considerable threshold :)

In a new framework of this blog, each post will be categorized as either an announcement or an update. Think of announcements as the posts that someone new to Abwid should read to get a sense of what’s going on. Think of updates as something with which our dear users should be in sync with! Announcements and Updates are two separate tabs in this blog. Along with that, the blog is being shifted to the custom domain of

Although Medium already provides an RSS Feed for the blog, we have also introduced a mailing list, to which you can subscribe if you wish to receive the updates by email.

Subscribe to the mailing list with this link:

Note that all the Abwid users are added to the mailing list by default, and they need to unsubscribe manually if they wish to.

Moving over to the exciting updates that we have for you!

Abwid is now being built collaboratively

It’s no more an “I”, it’s now a “We”! Abwid will now be jointly developed by folks around the world as a side-project. What’s more? anyone can join the force!

Think you want to contribute to Abwid in your free time? Jump over to and fill the form to hear back from us!

Set the name of any guest in the dashboard

Now an Abwid user can set a guest’s name with a single command like this:

setname Paul

assuming, of course, that Paul is the name of the guest.

Anyone can now request new Iotas

The main focus of the team behind Abwid is to improve the scope of questions that Abwid can handle, which will make Abwid more personalized for each user. We’re doing a lot to make that happen in the best way possible.

Iotas, which are currently being filled manually by a user, are directly related to Abwid’s scope. So we are now giving you a way to request an Iota. Just fill a short form and you shall see it in the “Explore Iotas” tab of the Abwid Dashboard soon! A link to this form will also be available at the bottom of the “Explore Iotas” tab of the Abwid Dashboard. One of our newest collaborators, Kritarth, recently wrote a short Announcement where he gives a short introduction to Iotas and provides a link to the form. The post is available in the Announcements tab of this blog.

What’s coming?

Expect some cool stuff in the near future. Our newest collaborators have started working on the following things:

  1. Backend Improvements: this is always at top priority!
  2. Android app which can track your location: with this, your abwid will be able to provide information about your current location!
  3. 3rd Party integrations: this will enable Abwid to know a lot more without asking the user to manually fill any information!
  4. More Iotas: Expect some fresh Iotas in the coming weeks!
  5. More Fictional Accounts: expect some interesting fictional accounts in the next updates!

